December 2022 Being Styled By God

"You are carrying too much."
The small still voice within my Spirit had been consistent.
But I wouldn't be ready to do anything about it for months.
I mean, after all, where was I to start?
After sliming down the footprint of the physical items that I tote from place to place, and though that felt better, the still voice continued to petition my heart.
What was I carrying?
Then in mid December, God called me to my closet for a brief but profound moment.
"I am doing a new thing. Do you see it?"
With a heart full of excitement and a touch of fear the process began.
I still wasn't sure exactly what we'd be doing together, but I knew that I was fully in.
I was awaken early the next morning, and could not go back to sleep due to pure excitement. How can one sleep when awaiting the next assignment from God?
I picked up my phone and went to sit on the couch in the living room, snuggled in a blanket and spent some quiet time with God.
"You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand."
-Psalm 16:11
"I need you to see something."
I opened my eyes, and looked around. Then I reached for my phone.
Whenever God says this, I know something good is about to happen. Finding the perfect gift, healing a heart wound, and so many other good things have begun with this beckoning.
I allowed God to guide my search directly to a company on Instagram.
Really God? This? Are you sure?
Nearly 2 years prior, I had tried on a top from this very company... and hated it. So, needless to say some of the excitement went away.
"I am doing a new thing. Do you not perceive it?"
So I dove in a little deeper and started looking at everything other than *that* top.
Then I saw it. Not any particular item, I saw the overall style that God had planned for me. A style that was wildly different from my signature style.
If you are new here, I'm feeling led to tell you a little bit about my professional background.
I have spent the past few decades of my life as an On-Camera Image Expert, it's like a Celebrity Stylist, but on steroids. For the most part, I keep a low profile in a non-disclosure world building some of the largest personal brands and lifestyle brands in the world.
Brand, image and styling is what I do.
Because that's how God has chosen to work through me. I couldn't have done an ounce of it without Him.
I've been in over 5,000 of the closets of the people you know, and taught millions through private consult in the past 25 years.
So being the "authority" on style had been getting in my own way, and I didn't see it.
With a fresh set of eyes, I started adding items to my cart that I liked. Then taking screen shots and creating an album on my phone.
It was beautiful. Breathtaking even.
But I wasn't going to buy any of it. I had already decided that I wouldn't be spending any money on myself, and definitely not on any more clothes! I had given up shopping for the fifteen thousandth time just one week earlier.
And I was certain that God was aware of that.
"See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."
-Isaiah 43:19

"Buy the clothes."
It was 3 days later, when I realized what God was doing. Or at least a glimpse of His plan.
God saw me differently than I saw myself, and He was styling me now.
I made the initial purchase without anxiety. Also wildly different.
With years of experience in cyclic shopping habits, I had grown accustomed to feeling guilt and anxiety when purchasing fashion.
It was a long-term, burdened cycle. I knew it, but as hard as I tried to stop the cycle, I just couldn't break the chains.
That would have to take an act of God.
But this purchase felt hopeful and expectant.
God assured me that I would understand why He picked these items when the clothing arrived and I tried everything on.
"Do you see it?"
The box of clothing arrived 2 days after Christmas. It honestly felt like an incredible gift.
We were busy with all the after Christmas hustle and bustle, so I set the package on my desk in the office.
I was both excited and nervous, but knew beyond a shadow of doubt that I wouldn't want to rush through the package.
I needed time alone to open it.
When I got a little time the next day, I snuck into the office and took the box to my bedroom. Setting it on the bed, I marveled at the packaging.
"I provided this for you. I moved things to give you the ability to buy this without any negative emotions. This is my gift to you."
It was then that I realized that the purchase amount of this new wardrobe was quite nearly the exact dollar amount from a spontaneous client session from the month prior. The check arrived within the 3 days that I waited to make the purchase.
Why did I not notice that at the time?
I opened the package and pulled the first piece from its tissue and plastic wrapping.
The sweater felt cool on my skin. Comfortable, like it belonged on my body.
Leading up to this moment, nearly all of the clothing in my wardrobe had felt itchy, hot or constricting. And I hadn't gained any weight.
So this was both welcome and incredibly life-giving.
Each piece met my skin with the same luxurious feeling.
As I looked at the first outfit in the mirror, God asked again, "Do you see it?"
I did.
And I was moved to tears.
But God does that. He's got a way of showing us how He sees us, when we get trapped in our own flesh and identity.
He reminds us that we were created in His image, not our own.
And I needed that reminder more than I knew.
Followed by, "You would have never bought these items without my leading. You were obedient. I have more to show you."
The next few days, additional purchases would be made. Each led by God.
I can't wait to show you everything that He picked out and how it all went together in January's recap!
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Dressed By God
Is my month by month account of God's goodness, promise, and provision.
God has been revealing so much and changing my perspective each day through this process, and I want to invite you in to this journey.
My hope is that by following along that you are inspired to lean into the sacred area of healing that God has planned for you. Even if it comes in a package that you hadn't anticipated.

Will you join me?