When Will The Coronavirus End? and Finding Food Freedom with Ashleigh Di Lello
Apr 23, 2020
I’m sure you’ve asked this question. It’s on all of our minds. Today I overheard my six year old asking Siri when the coronavirus would be over. To her disappointment, Siri didn’t have any answers!
It’s human nature to want to control our life. It’s actually one of our most basic human needs. So when things are out of our control, we can often feel unsettled and anxious.
Yes it’s hard to be stuck at home and not have all the wonderful people and activities that normally fill our lives, but the greater issue is that no one knows when this all ends and a sense of normalcy can return.
Not being able to force our will upon this timetable can make us feel helpless. This makes us seek things that give us a sense of comfort and fulfillment, and for many of us during this time, food is the easiest thing to turn to.
Food makes us feel happy, safe, and it gives us a sense of control. It’s also a great distraction and something to look forward to each day, which we all need right now being stuck in our homes!
With all the stress and worry we're feeling right now, food can easily become our go-to “feel better" coping mechanism. However, it’s not usually nutritious foods we’re craving, but the “more fun” foods we’ve linked to pleasure, happiness, and celebration!
The truth is: So much of our eating habits aren't even about food, but what we believe food can bring us in that moment. And that's okay…to a point.
Enjoying food sometimes as a reward, pick-me-up, or to celebrate is definitely okay and part of our culture and lives! It's when eating becomes one of your main emotional coping mechanisms that you get stuck in an unhealthy cycle that will sabotage your physical, mental, and emotional health.
This is where I was at one time in my life. When I was teenager I almost died from a rare virus and parasitic infection, which destroyed my metabolism and created perpetual feelings of hunger, causing me to battle with food for over a decade of my life.
So when people talk about discipline and mastering your cravings, believe me when I say, I know how hard that can be. I know how it feels for food to have complete control over your thoughts and emotions. But because of what I’ve gone through, I also know it’s possible to reshape your relationship with food and overcome it’s pull in your life. I battled with the constant desire and need to eat for over a decade of my life, and as hard as it was, it taught me that I am stronger and more powerful than food. And I know YOU are too.
That’s why I created the 30-Day Food Freedom Revolution! To give people the tools to finally heal and master their relationship with food forever. And in order to do that, we have to address something that very few if any meal plans do - and that’s the mental and emotional attachment we have to food. I can’t reiterate this enough! It’s impossible to transform your habits long-term if you don’t do the necessary internal work to address your perception of your body and food.
HOW we eat and WHAT we eat is about SO much more than just discipline and the “right plan." That’s why in order to find balance with eating, it's essential to become aware of the emotions and behaviors that push you toward food and start healing that. Doing this is crucial to changing your body long-term and achieving a lifetime of success!
This is exactly what my Food Freedom Revolution course will guide you through. And because I want to help during this challenging time, I’ve decided to give you my entire $300 course for just $10 this week! You CAN finally eliminate stress and guilt around food and have BALANCE for the rest of your life. You can have food FREEDOM now!
By Ashleigh Di Lello
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