Letters To My Daughter - Hope

covid-19 hope letters to my daughter memories next generation peace quarantine Mar 26, 2020

To My Daughter,

I want to show you that I have hope, because I want you to know what it is like to have hope amidst darkness.

I want to show you that it is okay to be hopeful, and that being hopeful nearly always results in a positive outcome.  I want to show you how to hope so that you will naturally have hope as your default mode of operation, instead of worry. The past few weeks we have been in a happy little bubble of hope, and it is my goal that you will be able to look back on this time as an adult, and remember that hope, peace, faith and love were at the center of this experience. We aren’t keeping you 100% completely sheltered, you know that things are quite a bit different in our lives right now. You know that there is a virus, and we have encouraged you to ask questions. We encourage your questions, because we know that this is hard to process as an adult, and even harder to process as a 6 year old, whose life has changed so much in the past 13 days.

Baby Girl, I want to show you that having hope precedes acting in hope.  I want you to catch me journaling and reading my bible. I want you to know where the source of mommy’s hope comes from, and the promises of that hope that were given to us many, many years ago. I want you to know that there is a great confidence that comes with this hope. I want you to catch me on the phone with family, and clients breathing fresh life and hope into each and every person. I want you to see me actively pursue a positive outcome, regardless of circumstances.  I want you to see that though times may temporarily be tough in this adjustment, that mommy always pursued hope and inspired others to pursue hope as well.  I want you to see that mommy didn’t give into the darkness or possibility of a negative outcome, she actively chose hope.  I want to still actively plan our summer trip to Colorado and include you on all of the plans, so that you know that life as you once knew it, has not been completely cancelled. I want you to know that we will swim again, and we will have play dates again. I want to help you plan the most wonderful Wellie Wishers Garden Party in our backyard. We will get everything ready for that day, because we rely heavily on a hopeful outcome of togetherness and celebration.

I want to listen to the worries that you will surely have down the road, but I don’t want to feed into the worries of your heart.  I want to breath the fresh life that only hope can give back into your sweet, innocent soul.  

Instead of worry, I want to show you that it is ok to sing, even loudly while daddy is on a conference call in the other room.  It is miraculous how singing can rid one of worries.  That is so true for mommy, and I have seen that it is also true for you. I want to show you discipline while living in hope is instrumental to a positive outcome. That is why we get ready as we normally would for a school day, and exercise as we normally would, and eat a nutrient rich diet, just like we normally would. I want you to see that the more positive actions we take, the more hope that we have. It is a cycle baby girl, and I want you to see that the actions that mommy chooses are based in the the hope that she has in the future. That way you know it is safe to act in hope for your own future. Right now you are watching mommy very intently, and I want to show you hope my sweet girl.

I want to show you that hope in and of itself can create life and hope for others.  I hoped for a little girl for years, and I get to hold you everyday. 

* “Letters To My Daughter” is a monthly series. Though the message may be short, it is always impactful. The photography for “Letters To My Daughter,” was created with a makeupless photo shoot. To make sure to receive notifications of future “Letters to my Daughter” installments, subscribe at the link below!



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