Letters to my Daughter - Bravery
Jul 23, 2020
To My Daughter,
I want you to witness me being brave, so that you know how to be brave too.
And in order to do that, I must deliberately live a brave life.
I don’t want you to learn about bravery by me cheering you on from the sidelines. I want you to see me engage in brave acts, so that you know how to fully engage in brave acts yourself.
I want you to see me be brave for a friend who is going through treatment, so that you know what it is like to be brave for a friend too.
I want you to see me be brave for myself by continuing to take steps forward with my businesses and experience joy from the bravery that is found in standing up for those who have been broken. That being brave doesn't always mean that you win one huge victory, but that you win bit by bit every single day that you choose to take back ground for those around you.
I want you to see me deliberately choose to be brave by making foods for you that I can no longer enjoy, because I know that you love them. Even if it means that I need to wash my hands one hundred times throughout the course of a meal to ensure that I don't have to take my epipen.
I want you to see me choose to be brave by writing a blog post in a public format in the hopes that my struggles can help just one individual see that it is ok to be themselves.
I want you to see me choose to be brave by speaking to crowds of women about life controlling issues, in the hopes that my words have the ability to tear down walls and show another woman that she is worth more than she knew possible. Especially when it has been a week that I haven't been able to function normally due to my chronic illness.
I want you to know that bravery is doing something even though you are scared. Especially when I want to encourage bravery and not fear.
It’s not that being afraid or scared is bad in and of itself. These are the emotions that make bravery come to life. And I want you to live a brave life.
* “Letters To My Daughter” is a monthly series. Though the message may be short, it is always impactful. The photography for “Letters To My Daughter,” was created with a makeupless photo shoot with Ed Stewart Photography. To make sure to receive notifications of future “Letters to my Daughter” installments, subscribe at the link below!
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