Let's Open The Conversation of Body Image and Facial Relation

body image facial relation love your body love your face pre teen body image self image self love self worth things no one talks about tough talks women women's needs Aug 01, 2019

Let's Open the Conversation of Body Image and Facial Relation

Yesterday morning I got to share in a live and very public format a small piece of what I have shared in offices, conference rooms, back stages, hotels, ball rooms, cars, and restrooms all across this great country. My career has taken me so many different places, and I have had the opportunity to work with so many incredibly talented people. So what is this conversation that I am talking about? The conversation that I feel everyone knows, but few are uttering the severity of the issue. I am talking about Body Image and Facial Relation. Yes these are very private issues, because most of the effects that we feel are internalized over and over in our own heads. So much so, that we donโ€™t even recognize ourselves when we look in the mirror. I have helped both men and women with these topics as a part of building their personal brand for the past 20 years of my life, and I can tell you confidently that if you struggle with Body Image or Facial Relation, you are not alone. Either this issue has gotten so much worse, or my experience has just helped me uncover it more effectively over the years. I can not sit idly by knowing that for each woman I have seen crying in a makeup room, that she represents thousands more that I may never reach if not for social media. There is no true replacement for finding a trusted therapist who has mastered uncovering and developing new thought patterns, but I know that I can still do my part to offer helpful content on a regular basis. I am working to develop a format for a workshop that can truly add value and help women walk away with tactical solutions that can support them in this journey. There will be more posts about style, I will include behind the scenes photos when I can, but know that successful navigation of these and other road blocks are where the heart of my work lives. Thursdays will be dedicated to helping women create a positive body image and heal facial relation. Together we can turn this around for the next generation, because like I said on live television, You can not give what you do not have.  See you on Thursdays!!


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